Get Better Daily

Kaizen = Get Better Daily

Get Better Daily

Kaizen = Get Better Daily

Hey guys. I’m going to be completely honest; it has taken me WAY too long to figure out what to write for this section. I’ve literally had analysis paralysis, as there are so many directions to go! Fortunately, I landed on a perfect topic to live here.

My ethos has been “get better daily,” for as long as I can remember. I literally have the word “Kaizen” written on my glove, instead of my last name as is customary. Kaizen is defined as a Japanese business philosophy of continuous improvement of working practices, personal efficiency, etc. In this spirit, I’m going to use this section as an opportunity to share some of the things I’ve been doing recently to improve my efficiency and see improvement in myself. With the quarantine, there isn’t a better time to implement these practices!

Firstly, I’m making my bed with my wife every morning. This small chore has several valuable effects on the beginning of our day. It forces us both out of bed so that we can start our day on time. It allows us to start our day doing something together, which is sometimes hard to do with both of us being so busy. More than anything else though, it’s something you can do every day, perfectly, that you have complete control over. Checking that first box of the day immediately works wonders for your productivity for the rest of the day.

Secondly, I’ve gotten back into using my meditation app every day; Headspace. I sit quietly for 3-5 minutes every day. This has helped train my self-awareness more than anything, but lately, stress has been everywhere. It’s nice to just shut it off for a few minutes!

Lastly, I’ve been doing a First person Aim Training routine for an hour every day. If I can’t perform on the baseball field, then I want to up my skills on the internet. On top of that, I just love seeing my skills progress. One of my biggest joys in life is developing skills and seeing the fruits of my labor. I believe that is one of greatest things about being human.

Have your own practices you’re doing to improve daily? Let me know via the Contact page or on Twitter!